The Beautiful Flower Garden in Tulungagung (Kebun Bunga Sendang) - Reezumiku

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Beautiful Flower Garden in Tulungagung (Kebun Bunga Sendang)

Sorry for disturbing your way to read this blog. This is my first time using English here. So, I am sorry if I make a lot of mistakes. Enjoy the reading.

Long time ago, I visited this subdistric  a lot. That was around four years ago. Now, I don't know if I still remember the path to get there. But, I am curious about the flower garden from Sendang. I saw my friend’s picture on facebook and BBM. There  was a beautiful flower garden. So I planned to go to flower garden with my friend yesterday (13/12/2015)

From Tulungagung, you should go to Sendang. This region is in the mountain range. Sendang is located in the slope of Wilis mountain. Just follow the main street go to Sendang. Then turn left after you going across the police station (Polsek Sendang) and Kodim.  After that, follow the tortuous street until you enter Geger village.

Geger village border.
Please go straight until you find this direction. This is the garden location. Actually, there are some place planted the flowers. You will find it throughout of the way after enter Geger village.

Actually I came at a wrong timing. The flower will bloom around the end of this December (17 December). I came early. So, yesterday I just found blooming flowers that are not sorted. It’s not good enough than the other garden from other town, but this is the beautiful one in Tulungagung. Welcome to the first flowers garden in Tulungagung.

Finished enjoying the smell of flower, I and my friend went to vegetables garden. There are a lot of vegetables species.  And… I was in the top of mountain. The weather was nice and I could saw the city and the other mountain from there. The view was beautiful. So, you can read and see the photos here: Sendang Vegetable Garden (Tulungagung Scenery)

Tulungagung, 13 December 2015

#Sendang #SendangTulungagung #Tulungagung #KebunBunga #SaveThePlants #FlowersGarden #Garden #Flower #Mountain #WilisMountain #Vegetable #VegetablesGarden #Nature #SaveTheNature #Segar

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